imagotipo Ana Yael

Ana Yael Thinking Hard

Partial Client List  /  Time Magazine  /  The New Scientist / The Financial Times /  The Observer  /  The Guardian /  The National  /  The University of Chicago Magazine  /  Barron’s  /  Mr. Porter  /  Madrid City Council  /  The Times / The Volkskrant  /  UOC  /  Penguin Random House Mondadori  /  Kiplinger’s  /  IESE  /  GQ  /  The Scientist  /  Filosofia & Co.  /  Philosophie Magazine /  John Hopkins Magazine  /  Variety Magazine  /  Tablet Magazine  /  El Español  /  Forbes  /  El Magazine de la Vanguardia  /  Caussete Magazine  /  Ara Llibres  /  Barcelona Metropolis  /  Eric Vökel Boutique Appartments  /  Pamplona City Council  /  Studio Errea Comunication

About Me

Hi! I am Ana Yael, a conceptual illustrator and artist born in Argentina and raised in Barcelona. I’ve been hard at work since 2008, illustrating for 10+ years. My purpose is to find visual solutions for challenging concepts, to be creative and communicative. I always seek to create images that expose an ironic or eloquent vision of today’s political, social or philosophical problems. I also love telling stories with my illustrations, giving a space to interpretation. Visual dialogue is one of the main foundations of my creations.


What Grassa Toro Said:

From Ana Yael we know a lot of things, we know she lives in Barcelona, and we know she has lived in any place of the world. We know she can say the words elephant, hearth, reality, nothing in a lot of languages, and in fact, she says. The things we don’t know, what we miss our view is its size, is to calculate how tall, know how far she gets, cause Ana Yael resized at every turn. The only chance we have to take measures is literary: Ana Yael measured outside and inside exactly the same as Gulliver. As Gulliver, runs countless dangers and finally, at the last minute, she is saved. Like Gulliver, Ana Yael, always returns home and she always explains her travels. Quietly, in the sonorous silence of his images.